Hypocrite that you are, for you trust the chemicals in your brain to tell you they are chemicals. Everything that we know and love is reducible to the absurd acts of chemicals, and there is therefore no intrinsic value in this material universe.#will you fight or will you perish like a dog on Tumblr.WILL YOU FIGHT? OR WILL YOU PERISH LIKE A DOG? – Pinkuboa.
#Or will you perish like a dog pro
OR WILL YOU PERISH LIKE A DOG? | Phone Case iPhone 12 Pro.What Does the Bible Say About Dogs? –.Anthony on Twitter: “Bill Walton: “Hypocrite that you are, for you trust.Worm on String Perish Like a Dog Poster.Thanks for sticking around! - fothetinyotter: Will you fight? Or will you perish.fothetinyotter – Will you fight? Or will you perish like a dog?."Will you fight or will you perish like a dog?" by.Top 12 will you fight or will you perish like a dog compiled by Pet Paradise.If you want to join the thousands of folks who’ve joined us by donating monthly to support this cause, or learn more, here’s the place. So those are some of the reasons why we are focused with PIH on maternal mortality in Sierra Leone, and why Hank and I have committed the majority of our wealth to addressing the injustice of inequitable access to healthcare. And because SL is the epicenter of the global maternal mortality crisis, by making change there, we show the global health community that NOWHERE ON EARTH should the lifetime risk of maternal death be above 1%, let alone 5 or 7 percent. Sierra Leone in particular has a government that, while deeply impoverished and chronically underfunded, is working to build a stronger healthcare system, and Partners in Health has deep relations with the government so that it’s not working parallel to the public healthcare system but deeply embedded within it. And of course we know that when parents survive childbirth, kids are more likely to be educated, and less likely to be malnourished. Clean water and electricity at community health centers make for safer conditions in which to give birth, but also safer conditions in which to be treated for other healthcare issues. And the great thing about fighting maternal mortality is that it has all kinds of virtuous side effects-the blood bank at Koidu Government Hospital will serve those who are dying from blood loss after child birth, but it will also serve the entire community. There is nothing inevitable about this injustice! It was caused by human-built systems and can be addressed by human-built systems. (Indeed, it is now closer to 1 in 25-which is still hundreds of times higher than it needs to be.) There is nothing inevitable about the statistic. When we began this project in 2019, one in seventeen Sierra Leonean women died in childbirth. It is the direct result of human-built systems that have impoverished the Sierra Leonean government and people for centuries. This is not the result of some natural or inevitable process. Maternal mortality is another glaring expression of this injustice: 700 people in Sierra Leone will die giving birth for every one who dies in Germany. This is why most people in rich countries don’t even know that TB is the second-leading cause of infectious disease death on Earth-behind only Covid.

Whether you get sick and die of tuberculosis is determined by whether you are impoverished, whether you live in a community with a fragile healthcare system, and whether you can access healthcare. Whether you get tuberculosis is not REALLY determined by whether you are exposed to the bacterium that “causes” TB. Like, the 1.5 MILLION people who will die this year of tuberculosis will not REALLY die of infection by the bacterium m.

There is injustice in every direction! It is easy to find yourself frozen in the face of the a dizzying array of injustices.īut for me, there is no expression of structural injustice as profound as mortality caused by poverty. There is a lot of injustice in the world.